Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 507 Germany Businesses on Pincode 50171. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 507 businesses number on pincode 50171 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
492237922610 Dr. med. Theodor Görges Facharzt für Innere Medizin
492237922110 Anike Dowidat-Güttler Fachärztin f. Allgemeinmedizin
492237655725 Akupunktur Kerpen
49223753061 Herr Dr. med. Gerhard Neuhaus
49223753061 Herr Dr. med. Norbert Schneider
492237560202 Naturheilpraxis Duile
49223751270 Dr. Georg Grohmann
4922372600 Frau Dr. med. Cornelia Sandmann
4922372852 Dr. med. Thomas Meyer-Stoll
49223751270 Hausarztpraxis Steder-Neukamm und Dr. Grohmann
4922373837 Martin Janetzki
49223754171 Dr. med. Arne Sandmann
492237922610 Dr. med. Theodor Görges Facharzt für Innere Medizin
4917672246140 Fahrschule Jürgen Roppes
492237560142 Fahrschule Bachl
4922375064089 Boljahn Verkehrsausbildungszentrum Fahrschule & Ferienfahrschule
4922372812 Fahrschule Viehof GmbH
4922376959254 Fahrschule & Aus- u. Weiterbildung
4917640188601 Fahrschule Dobelmann
4922375064089 Boljahn Verkehrsausbildungszentrum Fahrschule & Ferienfahrschule
492275912600 AXA Dominik Hamacher
498009320056 HypoFin24 OHG
4922372679 KOI 13
4915773424407 Gartenpflege Rafal Gorecki
Cell Number Business Name
4922375076426 leos home+garden
49223751958 Kleingärtnerverein Gartenfreunde Kerpen e.V.
4917641249701 Erft GaLaBau
491712416819 GalaBau MH Die NR1
4922373004 Linde Gas Vertriebspartner Technische Gase - Kalscheuer GmbH
491631985935 Erft Gas
49227356873 Freudenberger Autoglas GmbH
4922376913093 Wintec Autoglas - Freudenberger Autoglas GmbH
4915115224000 Autoglas Jürgen Schmidt
4922379255123 Grün + Weber GmbH
4922379798572 rheinluft Thomas Wolf
492237922200 Stefan Zemla | Heizung, Gas und Sanitär
4917620594928 EK Maler Service
492237562256 CELITEC IT- SERVICE
49223755423 Köttgen Hörakustik - Kerpen
4915738836171 Joker's
49223755864 Caritas Sozialstation
492237928900 Overnight - Tagungshotel Im ABZ
492275919900 Hotel Zur Wasserburg
492237923140 Hotel St. Vinzenz
4922374692 Hotel & Restaurant Jägerhof, inh.Adam Jolic
4922756863 Neffelthal
49227592280 Villa Sophienhöhe
4949022754114 Brigitte Breuer
492275913704 Familie Hahn



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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