Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 227 Germany Businesses on Pincode 47199. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 227 businesses number on pincode 47199 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
49284160783040 M+R Sauerbier BauProjekt GmbH
492066993233 Hermann Kallen GmbH
491735939016 Monteurzimmer Duisburg #working-housing
4915257088112 Hundeschule Positiv - 4 paws 2 teach
4928411731519 Allianz Versicherung Dieter Winnig Generalvertretung
49284198300 Provinzial Versicherung - Alfred Boje
4928029100 R+V Versicherung
492841981973 HUK-COBURG Versicherung Martina Kuipers in Duisburg - Baerl
49284187324 Jörg Wennemann Versicherungen Mobilfunkverträge
4928416078300 Sauerbier GmbH
491702889461 Basler Versicherungen Marcel de Vries
4928419999590 Continentale Generalagentur Sabine Klose
4928419980080 Versicherungsmakler Marrero-Brenner Stephan
49284198300 Silvia Bartschat Provinzialgeschäftsstelle Versicherungsagentur
4928419811123 Restaurant & Eventlocation Renzis
4928419081130 Infotrace GmbH
4928416070213 Kami2Go
4928419984603 FDP-Ortsverbandes Duisburg-West
49284180242 Evangelischer Kindergarten
49284187226 Katholischer Kindergarten St.Lucia
49284180613 Henning Fuchs Zahntechnik
4928418801616 Verena Marrero-Brenner
49284187412 Evangelische Öffentliche Bücherei Baerl
4928418336 Sigrid Beuting
4928418697 magic fireball
Cell Number Business Name
49284180620 Karl-Heinz Raabe Schreinerei
4928418834260 Wellness Lindekum
4928419815073 Tantra massage worlds *** MO-FR 10 o'clock 20:00 ***
4928418439 Baerler Kosmetik-Institut
49284180306 Therapiezentrum Baerl
4928418869270 Bücken GbR Karosserie + Lack
4928419811454 REHA PARTNER THOMAS GmbH Sanitätshaus
4928419810099 baerler Gesundheitszentrum
4928419997730 Zahnklinik Baerl Duisburg
492841817284 Frau Dipl.-Psych. Elisabeth Philipps-Nienhaus
49284180635 Feuerwehrgerätehaus
4915754209252 Antico Creativo
4928419989936 Logopädische Praxis Birgit Hinz
492841817437 die Fotowerkerin
4928419396700 Fotoproduktion Beumer
4928419396700 Werbe- und Industriefotograf Beumer
4928419812299 wild Wiest Werbeagentur
4928418840889 Beate u. Kai Nebel
49284180306 Therapiezentrum Baerl Inh.Palermo Kalinka
492841981802 R. Theißen Immobilien GmbH
49284187380 Krefa Immobilien GmbH
49284160783020 GrundLage Wohnraum GmbH
49284187440 Medical-Consult Unternehmen- und Wirtschaftsberatungs GmbH
49284181336 AT HOME ABELSHOF



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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