Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 689 Germany Businesses on Pincode 29410. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 689 businesses number on pincode 29410 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
493901830100 Autohaus Ulrich Hornkohl
49390183700 expert Salzwedel
493901423427 Vertragswerkstatt für Schweißtechnik Vollmer Dieter
493901650 Park of Peace
493901699618 Sparkasse Altmark West - Geldautomat
493901699143 Sparkasse Altmark West - Geldautomat
496950500105 ING-Geldautomat
4939018430 Commerzbank AG - Geldautomat
495819500 Geldautomat Volksbank Uelzen-Salzwedel eG im Kaufland Salzwedel
496950509069 ING-DiBa AG - Geldautomat
49390126182 VR PLUS Bank - Filiale Salzwedel
4939018430 Commerzbank
49390126182 VR PLUS Bank - Filiale Salzwedel (SB-Geschäftsstelle)
4939018530 Volksbank Uelzen-Salzwedel eG
493901699699 Sparkasse Altmark West - Geschäftsstelle
493901699699 Sparkasse Altmark West - Geschäftsstelle
4915222683893 Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG - Annika Schöck
4939013085346 ATM-Tierheilpraktiker-Ausbildungsstätte - zertifizierte Ausbildungspraxis -
493903795660 Agrarerzeugergemeinschaft e. G. Pretzier
4939037297 Grundschule
4958312124 Kathrin Rösel
493903780142 Party & Event Services Lutz Spurgat
493903780843 LBAG Pretzier eG
493903795690 Volksbank Uelzen-Salzwedel eG - Geldautomat
4939037958952 MediPflege 24 Senior Tagespflege
Cell Number Business Name
49390135030 Siebeneichen
49390138883 Hotel "An der Warthe"
49390130610 Hotel Königsbrücke
493901422097 Hotel Union Salzwedel
4915110326885 Wilfried Müller Gästewohnungen
493901471186 Seminarhaus Ritze
4915150438184 Ferienwohnung Marita
493901477534 Udo Liebig
4939034338 Gut Büssen
49390132520 Ritters Hof
493901471262 Katharinenhöfchen
493903298040 Silke Schulz FeWo / Zimmervermietung
4939013085166 Altstädter Bahnhof Salzwedel
49390181033 Landpension Am Wiesengrund - Pension
493901477974 Bauernhof Eversdorf
49390125803 Ferienwohnung-Salzwedel G.&G.Weißbach
49390130230 OBI Salzwedel
49390183220 hagebaucentrum Salzwedel GmbH
4939013938853 Altstadtpension Salzwedel
4939013059907 Ferienwohnung Salzwedel
493901308868 MR Metall Recycling SAW Autoverwertung | Schrottplatz
498007050000 IBB Institut für Berufliche Bildung AG
49390127200 Lippstreu Ute Rechtsanwältin
491702137064 Anwälte für Familienrecht in Salzwedel
4939018587330 Bassewitz Rechtsanwalt


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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