Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 273 Germany Businesses on Pincode 14478. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 273 businesses number on pincode 14478 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
49331861339 Full House
493318172404 Bierlokal Wolfs Revier
4933160060250 Show & Bartending Deutschland GmbH
49331879129 Wald-Cafe Total
49331888000 Autohaus Sternagel GmbH
49331719573 1 A-Bauchemie GmbH
491793802798 Divine Pentecostal Church of God Potsdam e.V.
493318713117 Martin-Luther-Kapelle der evangelischen Auferstehungsgemeinde Potsdam
4925469899998 Ernsting´s family
491736095018 wingwave-persdorf in Potsdam
493318172065 Weiberzeit
493318172065 Perspektivenwechsel - Systemisches Coaching mit Anne Durmaz
493318873550 Alfred Nobel School Potsdam
493312700796 Wald-Jagd-Naturerlebnis e.V.
49332755417 Tanzschule Aminah
49331812166 Balance Tanzschule Potsdamm
49331812166 ADTV Tanzschule Balance, Inhaber: Matthias Freydank e.K.
498004353361 Lidl
49331870694 prof dr newiak
493318700461 Dr. med. Martina Rißmann
49331861745 Dipl.Med. Liane Buhr Fachärztin f. Allgemeinmedizin
493318876590 Nizar Jaber Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie
4933188768211 Dr. Dragos Praxis-GmbH
49331869211 Frau Petra Kropp
493318712993 Dietlinde Pohl
Cell Number Business Name
493318873360 Eleonore Schönrock Fachärztin für Innere Medizin
493318700317 Dr. med. Birgit Ehring
493318873860 Praxis Dipl.-Med. Kornelia List
49331872367 Dr. Zecherpel
49331814909 Dr. Wolfgang Birkner
49331861724 Martina Herrmann Fachärztin für Innere Medizin
493318700317 Dr. med. Stephan Ender
493318873570 Dr. Ingolf Bock
493315504466 Frau Christine Kekert
493318876445 Gemeinschaftspraxis Lydia Krause & Sandy Wendt; FÄ für Innere Medizin / Allgemeinmedizin
49331872126 Dipl.Med. Doris Natalis Fachärztin f. Allgemeinmedizin
4933124343146 Fahrschule Marco Schön
49331888600 Fahrschule Schiller
49331613174 Fahrschule Jürgen Siegert
49331810221 Fahrschule Syring
49331810092 Werner Liefeld
493317480599 Initiative-Berufskraftfahrer
49331708326 RED STAR Akademie
4933186721939 Finanzberater Detlef Töpfer I Bonnfinanz
491786827378 Deutsche Vermögensberatung Kai von Bülow
49331869920 Raab Karcher Building Materials
493318171154 Cat GmbH
4917657958592 Kleingartenverein "An der Amundsenstrasse" in Potsdam-Bornstadt
493312707687 Wald-Jagd-Naturerlebnis e.V. Waldschule & Falkenhof
4933188725904 Vielhauer Haustechnik GbR



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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