Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 953 Germany Businesses on Pincode 12099. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 953 businesses number on pincode 12099 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
493025324544 Ahlvers Heizungsbau
493039743911 Apleona Haus- und Wärmetechnik GmbH
4930364284000 Prometheus Versorgungstechnische GmbH
49307500620 m+m Gebäudetechnik GmbH
49307550050 Apleona Wolfferts GmbH
4930549080355 WWP Warm & Wasser Planungsgesellschaft mbH
493034357280 Arikon Gebäudetechnik GmbH
4930761810 GA-tec Gebäude- und Anlagentechnik GmbH
49307019070 Carrier GmbH & Co. KG
493075653741 SamKon GmbH - Sanitär, Heizung und Gas Installateur und Notdienst in Berlin
49306134020 Marco Plikat Geschäftsstelle für die Allfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung
49307032071 Autopresse Tempelhof
4917679940001 Alin-Automobile
4930756910 Renault Retail Group Berlin Tempelhof
493089081000 Volkswagen Automobile Berlin GmbH
49201201710 PV Automotive GmbH
493089081000 Volkswagen Automobile Berlin GmbH
493055207785 Mike's Style Shop
493072010117 Juwelier DAVID
493075445691 JOEL Juwelen
493072013831 Schmuckankauf Berlin - Juwelier Göz - Goldankauf Berlin
49307525496 Rubin Juwelier
49307519085 Juwelier HÖLTGE
493075654174 Echtzeit Uhren & Schmuck
493098562427 Spiced Academy
Cell Number Business Name
49303199090 MediaMarkt
49307516034 Taxi stand with call boxes
4915758490907 Jet 321 Taxi GmbH
491773100314 Apartments Schöneberg
493075445611 HANSA-FLEX AG
493091909891 INSOMNIA Berlin
493070206176 Ambulantes Operationszentrum im Ullsteinhaus GmbH
493075610 Vivantes Wenckebach-Klinikum emergency ambulance
4930130190 Vivantes Wenckebach-Klinikum
493062934660 Debeka Servicebüro Berlin Tempelhof
493086986969 Berliner Sparkasse - Beratungscenter
493086986969 Berliner Sparkasse - SB-Center
493075448390 TARGOBANK
493040205370 Commerzbank
4930757840 GALERIA (Karstadt) Berlin Tempelhof
493048821644 McHurt
493071096611 dm-drogerie markt
4915125360817 DIE EISFABRIK
493075640 Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Berlin GmbH
493021005662 Voxativ
493030023010 Hennig Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KG
493075687780 Würth Berlin-Tempelhof
4930405708102 Lufthansa InTouch
493089657586 Spice Village | Online Grocery Store in Germany
4930902770 Bürgeramt Tempelhof


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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