Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 2068 Germany Businesses on Pincode 90402. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 2068 businesses number on pincode 90402 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
49911992080 Thalia Nuremberg
499112419738 Cigar House on the Lorenz Church
4991121659560 MADELEINE Mode Store
49911209274 ORSAY Filiale Nürnberg (Breite Gasse)
4991121080382 Desigual
499112348960 NEW YORKER
4991124922440 ONLY
498008002534 ALDI SÜD
499112029300 dm-drogerie markt
4991123680 Zeiser + Büttner
4991121147078 COS
499112373291 Stefanel
499112369945 ZARA
49911204868 Salamander
499112053540 DEICHMANN
499112355969 Tommy Hilfiger
49911204735 Castros Bags And Lifestyle GmbH
4991123587172 travel & trek KIDS
499112055570 CRÄMER & CO GmbH
4991121086652 Subdued
49911221211 American Store & British Empire
4991121106577 LMJ-Shop (ehem. Bella Moda)
4915781378354 Humanscale
499112110638 RENO
499112312336 Verkehrsüberwachung
Cell Number Business Name
4991121126115 Polizeiinspektion Nürnberg-Mitte
4991149520748 Schädlingsbekämpfung Kroner GmbH | Schwerpunkt Bettwanzenbekämpfung und Wirbeltiere | schnell - diskret - zuverlässig
499114319950 IHD Schädlingsbekämpfung und Taubenabwehr I Nürnberg Nord
4991189645084 VerEx - Schädlingsbekämpfung Nürnberg
499117660080 SCHWARTZ Insolvenzverwalter
4991124279855 Rechtsanwältin Christine Kölble - Kanzlei für Vorsorge
49911268226 Bischoff & Raab Rechtsanwälte
499112147250 Meissner Bolte, Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte, Partnerschaft mbB
499113766734 Kanzlei Müller GbR
4991125508880 LINDNER l BLAUMEIER Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
4991122911 CSL Plasma Nürnberg
499112061010 Pränatalmedizin, Gynäkologie und Genetik (MVZ) GbR
499112061010 Dr. med. Michael Schälike
4991123380 Deutsche Bundesbank - Filiale Nürnberg
499112301000 Sparkasse Nürnberg - Geschäftsstelle
499112110642 NORDSEE Nürnberg Hefnersplatz
499112148856 NORDSEE Nürnberg U-Bahn
4991124278650 Goldener Pudel - Steaks, Seafood und Cocktailbar
49911203210 Finnegan's Harp Irish Pub
49911204614 Hans Schels Fisch & Meer OHG
4991148973469 RamenCado
499112388683 Ni Hao
49911226395 Ishihara
4991166486801 KOKORO
499112373715 Kochlöffel



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

  • Time Taken = 2.3619