Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 121 Germany Businesses on Pincode 85405. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 121 businesses number on pincode 85405 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
492284333112 German post office
4915110842701 Jugendtreff Nandlstadt
4987562238 Freiwillige Feuerwehr Nandlstadt
492284333112 DHL Packstation 223
4987569129687 Feuerwehrgerätehaus Nandlstadt
498756333 Pichler schreiben und schenken
49875696021 Hans-Joachim Eigner
4987562238 Freiwillige Feuerwehr Airischwand
491719304985 Langer Thomas Landscaping
491716502445 Faistenberg
49875691200 Seniorenpark Schönblick GmbH
491734413591 MSC Wolnzach e.V.
4915156705704 AuerVoices
49875696060 Grund- und Mittelschule Nandlstadt
4987562157 Volkshochschule Nandlstadt e V
4987563243236 Thoma Garten- & Landschaftsbau
4987569697969 Biergarten am Waldbad
4987562290 Kindergarten
498756910880 Johannes-Kindergarten
49875696060 Grund- und Mittelschule Nandlstadt
491708835544 Leopold Schranner
498756969306 Kids English Hallertau Au
4915785505218 Fahrschule Schulz
4987565573405 NEUE KREISE ZIEHEN GbR
4987561225 Schuhhaus Gebhard
Cell Number Business Name
4981689986930 KräuterCrämer
498756695 Gärtnerei Heinzlmair
498756912443 Weihnachtsbaumverkauf
49875696110 Franz Grottenthaler
498756969604 Meusel Wohndesign GmbH
498756912443 REWE
498756912443 REWE
498756604 Metzgerei Lutz
4987561258 Elektro Thiermann Gmbh
4917697679173 beer liqueur foundation - HEILAND RUMLIQUEUR
498756660 Fuhrunternehmen Schranner GmbH
4987561640 Metzgerei Oberloher
498756678 Johann Stock
4987561379 Klein Schweißtechnik
498756969508 Lotto Bayern
4922120199959 PENNY
498756910230 Lotto Bayern
498756910181 La Villa
498756510 traumbild
498756910048 Foto-Studio Wagenseil
491637226622 Webdesign Hallertau
4949087561280 Papageno-Tonstudio
498756969441 Herr Robert Umbehr
498756969798 St. Martin Apotheke
4987569139210 BayWa AG Nandlstadt (Agrar)



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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