Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 181 Germany Businesses on Pincode 08301. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 181 businesses number on pincode 08301 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
493772380450 Fremdenverkehrsamt Schlema
493772380422 Fremdenverkehrsverein Schlema e.V.
49377221471 Ferienwohnung Haus Ilse Bad Schlema
49377228242 Bad Schlema
49377235000 Autohaus Zimpel
493772372110 Hans-Joachim Hinkel
49377237070 Autohaus Telke - Citroën
49377228242 Autohaus Schön
491704459652 Auto Export Bad Schlema Autoankauf für Export
49377237070 Peugeot
4916094458595 Galerie & Antik Erzgebirge Lagerverkauf TRÖDEL Flohmarkthalle
493772371085 Bauelemente Junghans GmbH
49377237330 Diakonisches Werk Aue/Schwarzenberg e.V. Geschäftsstelle
493772329030 Faszination Küche & Bad
49377222601 Heizungsbau Willy Hofmann
491724734569 Polsterservice Peters
493772380433 Stadtverwaltung Aue-Bad Schlema - Außenstelle Bad Schlema
49377223018 KfH - Gesundheitszentrum Aue Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum
4937723720966 Frau Katrin Friebe
493772373664 Dr. med. Ina Furch Specialist in Orthopedics
49377221046 Herr Dr. med. Michael Bohla
493771215526 EURADON - Verein Europäische Radonheilbäder e. V.
493772381767 Olaf Elsner
49377222621 Frau Dipl.-Med. Ingrid Houda
Cell Number Business Name
49377228873 Dr. Wolfgang Friedrich
493771212466 RE e.V Re-Integration von Arbeitskräften aus sozial sensiblen Bereichen
493771215528 Physiotherapie im Kurmittelhaus Bad Schlema
49377220791 Frau Susanne Frieß
493772360115 Drogenberatung
493772381920 Frau Dipl.-Med. Liane Damm
49377123263 Dr. Peter Herget
49377223694 Frau Dr. Elke Teichert
493772381933 Dipl.Med. Maria-Luise Müller Fachärztin für Innere Medizin Hämatolog. u. Intern.Onkologie
493772371888 Dr. med. Imanuel Demmler
49377223018 Herr Dr. med. Rolf Mattausch
493771215523 Apitherapiestation
4937723947083 Freiwillige Feuerwehr Wildbach
4937723952685 Patrick Herrmann
49377145000 KS AUTOGLAS ZENTRUM Bad Schlema
493772395050 C.W. KFZ Handel- und Service GmbH
493772395050 Autohaus Volkmar Günther GmbH
4917622730477 Perfect Coatings GmbH
493771276549 the car company
49377219044 A.T.U Schlema
49377222641 B&D Profi-Einkauf u.Elektromaschinenbau GbR
49377222923 Andreas Markof Unternehmensberater
493772381217 eca-energy calculation
4937712766671 Schimmelspürhund Sachsen
493771731429 Sabine Standke Büroservice Unternehmens- und Lohnsteuerberatung



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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