Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 147 Germany Businesses on Pincode 67466. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 147 businesses number on pincode 67466 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
496325396 Kath. Pfarrbüro Hl. Johannes XXIII.
4963258154 Protestantische Klosterkirche Lambrecht
4963258154 Protestant parish Lambrecht-Lindenberg
49632518000 Pfalzakademie
4917624704961 Annette Franz - Befreit fühlen und leben
4917624704961 Annette Franz - Befreit fühlen und leben
4963258227 Grundschule Lambrecht
4963257111 Realschule plus Lambrecht
4963251500 Bürgerstube Lambrecht - Sybille Kuhn & Orhan Kocsoy GbR
4963251890 Stadtwerke Lambrecht (Pfalz) GmbH
4963259610 J.J. Marx GmbH
4963259558640 Sportheim Lambrecht
49632595590 Setaplast Kunststoff GmbH
49632595500 Hübner CellTech GmbH & Co. KG
49632595469100 Heiza-Werkstätten Wärmetechnik GmbH
4963252579 Herr Hartmut Bauer
496325980456 Toni Braun
4963252444 Frau Dr. med. Christa Klein
4963252410 Frau Patricia Christmann
496325989012 Rainer Christian Görne Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin
49632595400 Dr. med. Otmar Müller
4963252410 Frau Antonia Schleper
4963258088 Krankengymnastik Lambrecht / Katrin Peter
4963252725 Herr Dr. med. dent. Friedrich Schön
4963251840470 Frau Dipl.-Psych. Margarete Hoerner
Cell Number Business Name
4963259805980 H. Naumann Inh. Maik Gärtner
49632115257 Fahrschule Michael Ende
496325988205 Pfalztec Maschinenbau & Service GmbH
498003746000 ERGO Pro Marzena Keller
49634132733 ERGO Pro Marian Keller
4963256542 Gästehaus Jungmann - Lambrecht (Pfalz)
496325184895 MR Ferienwohnung Lambrecht
496325954860 Ferienwohnung Talblick Lambrecht
49632595024 Ferienwohnung Ohler
496325980671 Ferienwohnungen
4963257522 Frä Dich Druff
4915736523345 ERGO Pro Bartosz Dzierbicki
4917697529635 dietrichmedia - Webdevelopment & -Design
496325980183 Herrmann Forst- & Gartentechnik
4963251280 Nowotny und Kollegen
496325988230 Heß Frank Dieter - Rechtsanwalt
4963251281 Stefan Nowotny, Rechtsanwalt
4963251280 Nowotny und Kollegen
491708235272 Supannika Thaimassage Lambrecht
496325184949 Gül Kebap und Pizza Haus Lambrecht(Pfalz)
4963259596878 AXA Astrid Herrmann
4963259885835 Logopädie Praxis Patricia Krück
4963259890309 Wittelsbacher Hof



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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