Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 364 Germany Businesses on Pincode 66557. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 364 businesses number on pincode 66557 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
4968253010 Grundschule Uchtelfangen
496825404230 VHS Wustweiler
4968253344 Kerpenschule Förderschule Lernen
4968251381 Kath. Pfarrkindergarten
4968253010 JC Don-Bosco Uchtelfangen Judoverein Manfred Klos
49682594200 Erweiterte Realschule Illingen
49682541551 Katholischer Kirchenchor St. Stephan Engelbert Zimmer
496825920620 St. Stephan Kath. Kindertageseinrichtung
49682593080 Illtal-gymnasium
49682592060 St. Stephan
49682542438 Reitanlage Penth
4968252840 Grund- u. Hauptschulen
4968315052606 freie Musikschule Saar - Illingen
49682547354 Elementary school on the Lehn
49682594200 Fortuin Gemeinschaftsschule
491716880279 Fahrschule Maurer
496825499560 Kreutzer Martin Musikschule Hüttigweiler
4968259541584 Freie Praxis Illtal
496825952759 Satya Yoga Zentrum
4915770882918 Gabriele Andler
49682541633 Tennisclub Illtal-Illingen e.V.
496825406234 Heiko Schank
496825920511 Cusanus Trägergesellschaft Trier mbH
4968253374 Peter Maurer
49682541285 Manfred Wagner Fahrschule
Cell Number Business Name
49682544951 ASV 08 Hüttigweiler
4968251760 Hüttigweiler, DRK-Heim
4968216342121 Tanzschule Zentz
491634044134 Kampfkunstschule "Rote Dschunke"
491716880279 Fahrschule Maurer
49682548693 Karnevalverein Die Eicherte Hüttigweiler e.V.
49682545000 Petry Oliver
4915787026077 Devimaya Yoga
4968212081 Sparkasse Neunkirchen - ATM
4968212081 Sparkasse Neunkirchen - ATM
4968212081 Sparkasse Neunkirchen - ATM
4968212081 Sparkasse Neunkirchen - ATM
49682543215 Evangelische Kirche Uchtelfangen - Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Uchtelfangen
49682543432 FC Uchtelfangen
496825406160 Die TUI in Illingen
4968252866 Holiday Land Reisebüro Querbach GmbH
4968252035 Tourent Reisebüro Autovermietung GmbH
49682542760 Hüttigweiler, "Hundshitt"
496825929526 Ferienwohnung le mignon
49682547825 Ferienwohnung Haus - Perkow (Illingen-Saar)
49682549258 Hühnerfreilandhaltung Spreitzer
49682547364 Elsa Richter
49682592547110 Creation Gross
4968258969000 - Matthias Puhl & Uwe Thome GbR
496825952537 Deko und Saisonales Jürgen Kreutzer


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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