Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 110 Germany Businesses on Pincode 56338. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 110 businesses number on pincode 56338 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
491718792697 Ferienwohnung Veit
4926278298 Bettina Schöntges
492627974103 Joachim Dott
4926271988 Heinz Weil Rechtsanwalt
496776514 Franz-Werner Lauer
492627976001 Stadtverwaltung Braubach
49262796050 Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung
49262710255 Freiwillige Feuerwehr Braubach
492627974060 Norbert Grosse Offsetdruckerei Scan & Litho
492627960490 Moto Rickert
492627971240 Marksburg Schänke
492627281 Gasthof Zum Rosenacker
4926278311 Restaurant Pizzeria Laguna
4926279719785 Winzerkeller Schloss Philippsburg
4926279717968 Braubacher Marktstuben
4926272380780 RONI KEBAB&PIZZA
492627357 Restaurant Forstmühle
492627532 Primary and secondary school Marksburg Braubach
4926271924 Katholischer Kirchenchor Wolfgang Dennert
492627768 Kindergärten und -heime e.V.
4926279712860 MarksburgKita Biberbau
4915228625337 Reiterverein Bissingen e.V.
496776468 Tannen Wagner - Weihnachtsbaumverkauf Günter Wagner
492627972680 Eiscafé Venezia
498002000015 Netto Filiale
Cell Number Business Name
4926271504 Kosmetikinstitut Ingrid Galmbacher
492627263 Wilfried Wagner
4926279715984 Conrad Herta Insel des Glücks
4926279713555 Landhauskonditorei und Bäckerei Ulrike Schmitz
492627544 Maaß Café, Konditorei und Bäckerei
49262796060 Schöntges Automobile
492627974364 Grs-sport
4926278610 Vergiss mein nicht GbR
4926279718866 feel beauty
492627970240 Wacket Klaus Fliesenfachgesch.
491627565758 Autoankauf Lahnstein Gebrauchtwagen Ankauf
492627242 Gästehaus Wieghardt
492627544 Hotel garni und Café Maaß
492627677 Bauernschenke Eck-Fritz
4915203873732 Autoankauf BRAUBACH Import Export
4926274581480 dropko
493347660878 AirCargoConsulting GmbH
492627974645 Hartmut Hecht
492627972917 Betreuungsbüro Sandra Beysiegel
492627971537 SMAD-Immobilien
4915751931934 Vektor studio
492627974156 EBIDAT
4926279719818 Kosmetiklounge Britta Collisy - Kosmetik Braubach - Naturkosmetik Braubach - Gesichtsbehandlung
492627544 Maaß Café, Konditorei und Bäckerei



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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