Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 458 Germany Businesses on Pincode 91315. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 458 businesses number on pincode 91315 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
4991937011 Skf GmbH
496950500105 ING-DiBa - ATM
499131781781 VR-Bank Erlangen-Höchstadt-Herzogenaurach eG - SB-Filiale Höchstadt-Süd
496950500105 ING-DiBa - ATM
4991318243530 Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Erlangen Höchstadt Herzogenaurach - Geschäftsstelle
4991935050 VR-Bank Erlangen-Höchstadt-Herzogenaurach eG - Filiale Höchstadt
4991936009473 TÜV SÜD Service-Center Höchstadt a.d. Aisch
49919363450 BRK-nursing home Höchstadt / Aisch
49919350690 Nieren- und Diabeteszentrum Höchstadt
4991932222 MVZ BambergForchheim Gemeinnützige GmbH
4991935085580 Dr. Hilgarth, Neurologe
4991937677 Herr Dr. med. Stefan Oberle
4991932707 Herr Dr. med. Frank Missel
4991935039732 Dr. Sandra Söhnlein
4991935560 Susanne Heinisch
4991938158 Praxis Dr. med. univ. Antonio Manetti
4991938655 Dr. med. Gabor Ronay
4991937977 MVZ Augenheilkunde Ärztliche Leitung: Dr. med. B. Kühnel
49919363530 Dres. med. Wolfgang Schaubschläger, Peter Berg und Frau Dr. med. Pour Schahin Internisten
4991935585 Herr Dr. med. Wolfgang Schöfer
499193696868 Norbert Hey Facharzt für Innere Medizin Gastroenterologie
4991936200 Herr Dr. med. Holger Herzing
4991936210660 Dr. med. Björn Micka
4991935037169 Dr. med. Raimund Scheer
4991933848 Gabriela Frank
Cell Number Business Name
4991938223 Dr. med. Petra Skoda und Kuly Michael
49919350250 Radiological Center Dr. Norbert Wilke
499193507074 Frau Gisela Heldt
4991938655 Ranger E.
4991935729 Dr. med. Ulrich Hilber | Arzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
4991932515 Frau Brigitte Kiel
4991937660 Dres. med. Nicola Ell und Stephanie Ell, Fachärztinnen für Allgemeinmedizin
4991938223 Herr Michael Kuly
499193696000 Frau Sandra Konrad
4991933455 Zahnarzt Höchstadt, Dr. Gerhard Görgl
499193502980 Werner Gadsch Fachzahnarzt für Oralchirurgie
499193696000 Frau Erika Schindler
4991931270 Ulrich Degener
499193502980 DR. MED. DENT. WERNER GADSCH Oralchirurg
4991933476 Erwin Ell
499193503700 Herr Dr. Jürgen Raum
4991935011630 WEIGELT - Physiotherapie | Massage
4991932400 Dr. Wolfgang Horke Zahnarzt
4991935081515 Margarte Schmitt Fachärztin für Radiologie
499193508750 Tierarztpraxis Dr. Roger Bour & Dr. Claudia Thiel-Bour
4991934141 Christian Luft Dr. med. dent. Zahnarzt
4991935011400 Therapiepunkt Höchstadt
499193502630 Psychiatrische Institutsambulanz Höchstadt an der Aisch
4991933787 Böhm Holger Dr. Zahnarzt



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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