Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 227 Germany Businesses on Pincode 09619. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 227 businesses number on pincode 09619 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
49373201373 Friedmar Gernegroß
493736782680 Fahrschule Jens Timmel
493736561166 Polizeiposten Sayda
49373209104 Wüstenrot Bausparkasse: Jochen Meyer
49373209104 Jochen Meyer Leonberger Bausparkasse
493731250 Sparkasse Mittelsachsen - ATM
4937313740 VR-Bank Mittelsachsen eG
4937360173400 Volksbank Mittleres Erzgebirge eG
493731252321 Sparkasse Mittelsachsen - Filiale
4937313740 VR Bank Mittelsachsen eG - Geschäftsstelle Mulda
491722168821 May Mirko
49373651840 Café Adelklause (Café "Adelheid")
49373201742 Christliches Kinderhaus »Ankerplatz« Kinderarche Sachsen e.V.
49373651760 Waldhotel Kreuztanne in Sayda im Erzgebirge
493732080400 Muldaer Hof Inh. Jessica Wagner
49373651891 Wenzel Bernd
4937320429009 Kitu Bistro
49373201351 CaLiDa Cafe & Restaurant "Cafe Flora"
49373651809 Helbigs-Gasthof
491733867204 Blockhausen
491733867204 Walderlebnishütte in Blockhausen Andreas und Steffi Martin
49373208259 Bäckerei Schmieder GmbH & Co. KG
49373201512 Bäckerei Griesbach
493732083968 Martin Andreas und Steffi
49373201741 Getränke Mittag Inh. Falk Neumann
Cell Number Business Name
49373204098050 Landgasthof Wolfsgrund Yves Raddatz
49373201695 Grundschule Mulda
49373651760 Waldhotel Kreuztanne in Sayda im Erzgebirge
49373651439 Cafe Dahmen
493736599910 Altsächsischer Gasthof Kleines Vorwerk
49373651352 Zur Mittelmühle
493736517564 Sayda Kebaphaus
49373651302 Gaststätte Ratskeller
4937320809800 Hort Mulda
493732080170 Grüne Schule grenzenlos e.V.
49373651415 Kindertagesstätte Sonnenland
493732080195 Mühle Dietmar Gesch.
49373651821 Kita "Bahnhofsspatzen"
49373651313 Oberschule Sayda
49373651242 Grundschule
49373201521 Mittelschule Mulda
4937365179789 Nicepricestore-24h
49373208720 Gemeindeverwaltung Mulda
4915254877136 Ferienhaus "Alte Post"
49373201789 Ferienwohnung Haas
493579339251 Forsthaus Sayda
4915255461018 Ferienwohnung Dorfchemnitz
49373201778 Ferienhaus Waldfrieden
49373651863 Restaurant & Pension "Old Mill"
49373651347 Spiel- und Sportverein 1863 Sayda e.V.


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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