Germany Telephone Directory

Trace Germany Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 303 Germany Businesses on Pincode 66839. Germany has a population of 82,293,457 and there are thousands of businesses in Germany whose numbers are available for Germany Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Germany Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 303 businesses number on pincode 66839 in Germany.

Cell Number Business Name
49688799187 Campingklause Leikenberg Hüttersdorf
4968875257 Heinz H.-P.
4968874222 Gasthaus Groß
4968746630 Zur Linde
49688792515 Gaststätte Restaurant Brasserie Williams
496887889109 Schmelzer Brauhaus
4968871899 Ristorante - Pizzeria San Remo
496887304741 Öz Kebap
4968873049230 Asia Bistro Hong Kong
4968872427 Zum Katzloch
4968878933248 City Grill
496887912035 Limbacher Kebabhaus
4968878935207 Happy Kebap
4968875826 Efes Kebap
4968878941808 Keyif Grillhaus & mehr
4968874027 Gudd Stubb
496887912013 Khush Dil Pizzeria
4968872613 Ritas Natur- u. Vollwertküche
4968879098733 Schnitzelhaus Hüttersdorf
4968879038837 Mein Pamukkale Kebabhaus Schmelz
4968879126603 Bistro bei Rudi
496887900792 Alt Buprich Gaststätte
496887888897 Kaktus
4968879699900 Weihermühler Gbr Familie Eisenlauer
4968875111 Geraldy Kfz GmbH
Cell Number Business Name
496887305797 dekoration-eventgestaltung showroom
4968872033 Autohaus Müller GmbH
49688790100 Bodo Schmidt GmbH
4968873050950 Schumacher Motocycles
4915257480785 Autoankauf Schmelz EXPORT
496887900967 Queensquad
4968876954 Pia Vorholt
4968819628515 bearb
4915204099251 Autoankauf Schmelz -Export
4968875951 Walter Risch GmbH - Elektrofachmarkt
49688787725 Karl-Heinz Kessler
49688792333 Praxis Dr. Burkhard Koch
4968876633 Peter Recktenwald
4968871088 Dr. med. Joachim Wack
4968872172 Dr. med. Stefan Groß
49688787791 Dr. Bernhard Wannemacher
49688792333 Praxis Dr. Burkhard Koch
4968876633 Peter Recktenwald
4968876699 Klaus A. Kreuzer
4968871088 Dr. med. Joachim Wack
4968879000895 Dr. med. Thomas Sigl
4968872020 Schmelz
49688792663 PhysioLogoWell - Physiotherapie & Wellness
491728015607 Lebensfreude Privatpraxis für Physiotherapie und Prävention N. Bernd
49688792035 Frau Dr. Gisela Arlt



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Germany like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Germany Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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